Instruction for Authors

The paper should be submitted to: or

Each text sent to the editorial office of Methodological Studies should be compiled according to the following guidelines.

  1. Each article, including its bibliography, should contain a maximum of 36,000 characters (20 standard text pages).
  2. Authors are required to send a separate file including the following information:

    1. Name and surname of the Author(s);
    2. Title;
    3. Maximum 5 key words;
    4. Abstract including 300 to 500 characters;
    5. Affiliation of each Author;
    6. Correspondence address;
    7. E-mail address and phone number of the first of the listed authors. (All information will be sent to first listed e-mail address) The other file should contain only the title and the main text. The files should be send in a Word file format.
  3. Tables, figures and pictures should be sent in a separate file. The main text should contain only relevant tags.
  4. We request authors to use the Word Equation Editor.
  5. Authors are obliged to obtain a permission to reproduce and use pictures, figures and drawings taken from other sources in their publication.
  6. References to literature both in the body of the text and footnotes should be in the following form:
    • [Kowalski, 2002, s. 22-34].
    • if several publications of the same Author were published in the same year: [Kowalski, 2002a, s. 20].
  7. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page.
  8. Bibliography should be included at the end of the text in alphabetical order according to the following guidelines:
    • Czarnocka M., (2006), „O niemożliwości naturalizowania epistemologii”, Przegląd Filozoficzny – Nowa Seria, 2(58), s. 137-153.
    • Wigner E., (2002), „Niepojęta skuteczność matematyki w naukach przyrodniczych”, [w:] Współczesna filozofia matematyki, red. R. Murawski, Warszawa, PWN, s. 293-309.
    • Wójcicki R., (1982), Wykłady z metodologii nauk, Warszawa, PWN
  9. After the Authors receive positive reviews, they are obliged to sign consent forms for publication of the article in Methodological Studies and for publication in an electronic form on the web site of the Journal.